International Music Video Festival 2013

The ICP music video Hate Her to Death, directed by the Deka Brothers, has been officialy selected for competition in the 9th edition of the International Music Video Festival (formerly known as the Protoclip):étition-officielle-2013-

The event will take place in Paris, November 8th and 9th at Wanderlust. 

In the meantime, people can vote online for the Internet Prize by clicking "I VOTE FOR IT" until november 9th:

Hate Her to Death is in good company with videos from world acclaimed directors like Fleur & Manu, Jonas & François, Canada, and Tony T. Datis

Last year, Chris Benoit, another music video directed by the Deka Brothers, made it to the official competition as well:

Tony T. Datis' Make It Bun Dem video, for which the Deka Brothers served as Directors of Photography took the Special Jury Prize in last year's event: